Ayuvedic Manual Therapy and Bodywork
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Electro Marma Point Therapy



Electro Marma Point Therapy

A Non-Needle Approach to Marma and Trigger Point Therapy

The Benefits of Asian Healing Arts Without Needles!

Electro Point Stimulation (EPS) pain management technique uses a fine probe (NO needles like Traditional Acupuncture or Trigger Point Dry Needling) that generates brief, continuous electric impulses. This treats headaches, sciatica, and radicular pain in the upper and lower extremities from spinal nerve compression, and  relieves pain in trigger points, which are hypersensitive areas of muscle or connective tissues (also called muscle knots), by stimulating the muscle fibers at a high level that’s still tolerable by the patient. EPS opens neural pathways, stimulates the endocrine system for better health, releases endorphins and serotonin, and in some cases, treats insomnia and depression. It is used on Olympic athletes to treat pain and improve performance. Electro Point Stimulation is safe, noninvasive, measures progress, and can be more effective than Trigger Point Dry Needling in some conditions. 

EPS can be used in place of needles to perform a Marma Point Thera[py and is often combined with PBM Soft Laser.



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