Integrative Functional Natural
Ayurvedic Healing Arts
for Adults, Children and Dogs
Appointments Available Daily
Dr. Danesh Dharmananda, DAy
Daily 8 AM - 8 PM
Scarbrough Office Park
3077 Leeman Ferry Rd SW
Huntsville, AL 35801
Remote herbal and nutritional consultations are also available
daily by phone, text or e-mail.
(256) 469 - 1959
Holistic - Integrative - Complementary Healing Since 1989
Devoted to every client's unique journey through the prevention and
natural treatment of dis-ease to optimal wellness and vitality. . .
Where there are many non-invasive healing techniques
in the vast field of Ayurvedic natural therapies.
Prana - Based Therapies have been used for thousands of years to
effectively support the well-being of both people and pets naturally!